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「導師非常專業講解課程內容, 實習和示範十分清晰!」

Class 54B 



 Joe Ng 

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X Plak

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第 2 頁續

X Plak

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課堂氣氛很輕鬆愉快,而且是part time形式上堂所以課程不會太緊密,讀完課程畢業後,由於表現優秀,獲得課程總監推薦我很快找到工作了!其他同學亦同我一樣喺短時間內找到工作!所以課程非常值得報讀👍🏻


第 3 頁完

X Plak

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It's such a practical and useful physio and occupational assistant trainingcourse. I enjoyed learning there. I specially like the practice sessions. Students can try different kinds of electrotherapy machine. 


Terry Chan

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 Trainers are very patient to lead and train us through the practice sessions. I will highly recommend to anyone who want to learn physio assistant. Thank you, Unicorn Physiotherapy Clinic and all trainers! 

P.2 cont'd 

Terry Chan

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Class 38B

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P.    2

Class 38B


 I’m studying courses with double certificates already now, instructors provide excellent presatations , let me learn more physiological & occupational skills !

Meredith NG



Class 25A

Blank greeting card with envelopes for greeting, wedding cards, birthday card, Mockup for

Very good learning experience with a lot of real life practice.


Shun Chi Sin

Blank greeting card with envelopes for greeting, wedding cards, birthday card, Mockup for

 優怡康物理治療師范喜文姑娘很有耐心, 細心教導我們,真的感謝您呀!​

Ying choi

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Class 40B

Blank greeting card with envelopes for greeting, wedding cards, birthday card, Mockup for


Class 36B

Blank greeting card with envelopes for greeting, wedding cards, birthday card, Mockup for

課程容易理解, 安排很好, 導師友善!

Class 31B

Blank greeting card with envelopes for greeting, wedding cards, birthday card, Mockup for

 Highly professional instructors and com-prehensive training!

Sophia Wong

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Class 29B

Blank greeting card with envelopes for greeting, wedding cards, birthday card, Mockup for

在快樂氣氛中學習多方面知識,很充實,每部份都有Hands on, Good!

Class 23A

Run on Your Right Track of Learning~

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